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The Misawa Cougars have existed for three years, and in that three years the team has grown tremendously in its talent, coaching, and competition. Initially the team was started to fill a gap that existed in the Youth Sports age groups where there was nowhere for any baseball players aged 14-18 to play or compete.

The team was created with the help of David Neumann, who has extensive experience in league actions as he has been an assistant coach on many teams and was a coach of a team that went to the Senior League World Series in Kissimmee, Florida. With the help of the original coach, Hans Prahl, the Misawa Cougars were off the ground and eager for competition. During their second year of existance, the Cougars riegns were turned over to Brian Guilfoyle, who led the Cougars through their first legitimate team, a Japanese college team. However, this third year has been the most exciting. The reigns have again been handed over to another coach, Coach Flowers. He played and coached at the Air Force academy and brings both the coaching knowledge and the managerial knowledge of the team. However, more exciting yet is the fact that the Misawa Cougars, a club team, have been scheduled to compete in the Kanto Plains season next year against all the other high school teams in Japan.

Many thanks to Coach Neumann for his continued work on this project and also to any coaches who have helped us out along the way. We would also like to thank those in the community who have contributed to our welfare. Thank you.

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